Friday, July 2, 2010

Babes in Bikerland

Have you ever watched the movie "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants?" Or maybe read the book? If you haven't (and I think you should, as both the movie and book are very cute), I won't spoil it with the details, but the title was an apt description of our Thursday night as the ladies of the Planet Pulse (including yours truly, I'm the second in from the right) went mobile with a selection of denim from the store.
The pants traveled (haha!) from the store to the Quaker Steak & Lube in Cranberry, where we set up our wares during the restaurant's "Bike Night," which is held every Thursday evening throughout the summer.
The weather was gorgeous and a fun time was had by all as we chatted with the resident bikers and invited them to "rev up their style" with some of the well-known motorcycle-related brands we carry at the story. Some favorites were Johnson Motor Company (I absolutely adore a light-blue baby tee we just got in), Affliction for the guys and Sinful for the gals. Also a hit was a denim vest for chicks by Robin's Jeans (photo above).
Now, even if you're not a biker, these looks will still work for you. Trust me, put on a V-necked, blinged-out Sinful T-shirt and you'll look so good that no one will even question where your Harley is.
We carry all of the above mentioned brands in the store full-time, but, if you're so inclined, The Planet Pulse will be at Bike Night every Thursday at The Lube (weather permitting) with more choice labels chosen just for our biker friends.
And, of course, I have to give a shout-out to the gals who attended Bike Night and manned (ladied?) the tent with me. They are, from left, Alexis, Emily, Me (Jessica) and store owner/buyer Sophia, who is responsible for all the hot items displayed both at the tent and at the store. A special thanks also goes to Nick, Justin and Marty Fin for helping set up and take down the tent and to store owner Marty for being such a super salesman.
We all look forward to the next Bike Night on Thursday and we hope to see you there!

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