Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This One Is For The Fellas

But don't worry ladies, I wouldn't leave you hanging without some sort of eye-candy! You'll find it above in the form of Brad Pitt and Usher. Oh, and Jay-Z is pictured too ... Yes, he's a talented artist, but I just don't think he's cute (Sorry Beyonce!). Now, besides good looks, enormous wealth and a paparazzi following, what else do these guys have in common? Give yourself a pat on the back if you said their shirts!

All are wearing Aqua VI t-shirts, one of hippest names in casual men's fashion.

Now, you don't have to go to Hollywood and stalk Brad Pitt to find this brand ... just to another Planet. By that, of course, I'm talking about The Planet Pulse. We just started carrying this versatile brand and already it is selling like hotcakes.

Here's what Usher, Angelina's better half and, yes, Jay-Z, already have discovered: Aqua VI shirts are fun, they're super-soft and they have an interesting print. Besides the standard crew neck, they also come in the more unusual v-neck.

Need more proof? Our very own superstar, Marty, owner of The Planet Pulse, modeled a light-blue Aqua VI shirt that I told him went well with his eyes! Marty wore his Aqua VI with a trendy pair of distressed MEKs. A great look for anyone, I think this is an especially cool combination for a casual night at an outdoor bar. Maybe the Cabana Bar? I'll leave it up to you, the readers. Tell me, where would you wear your Aqua VI?

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